About Us

Our mission is to ensure the sustainable prosperity of the sports nutrition profession.

Our mission is to ensure the sustainable prosperity of the sports nutrition profession.

Currently operating in Australia, New Zealand, USA, Asia and Europe, we are the only non dietetic professional body responsible for establishing and standardising best practices in Sports Nutrition.

We also provide education and Certification for Personal Trainers, Exercise Physiologists, Online Coaches & Exercise/Sports Scientists, and Clinical Nutritionists looking to add Sports Nutrition service provision to their insured scope of practice.

Our advisory board of leading researchers, practitioners, insurers and global underwriting firms review and update our content every year based on the latest research and insurance.

What Is Sports Nutrition?

Sports Nutrition is the practice (non medical) in nutrition of improving or changing body composition, managing and changing weight gain or loss, and improving performance. A sports nutritionist develops personalised nutrition plans that take into account their individual needs, training goals and personal goals.

The Problem We Are Solving

We help prevent the unregistered practice of nutrition. In turn, this reduces the amount of people who can get hurt by incorrect nutrition advice, as well as reducing the number or professionals that get sued.

Who We Are

We are the first (and currently the only) professional body to standardise the practice in Sports Nutrition globally in an all-inclusive manner. You can see our advisory board here.

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What We Do

We establish a minimum standard of education, experience requirements that coincide with levels of Accreditation as a Sports Nutritionist

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Why We Do It

To improve the quality and experience of the public, athletes and sporting teams with their nutrition, as well as improving the standard of the fitness and nutrition industries. Prior to our establishment, there were no standards in Sports Nutrition (outside of the small exclusive Sports Dietetic fields).

Our Vision

To improve the nutrition experience of the world through education, regulation and the ongoing maintenance and improvement of standards.

We want to have an industry and world where people receive sound and safe advice from nutrition professionals, and the public are equipped with the knowledge to know who and where to turn to for this information.

Values To The Public & Members

We are committed to an ongoing process of innovation, responsibility, integrity and collaboration.

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Establish Standards

Prior to our formation, no ‘minimum standard’ for a Sports Nutritionist existed. The Association’s founders worked with underwriters to establish a framework that ensures a minimum standard is met for Sports Nutrition education, practice and insurance.

Educate Effectively

Access to legitimate undergraduate Sports Nutrition education is uncommon, and as a result there are a number of professionals who have not completed all the relevant subjects and relevant degree programs required to register without further study.

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Regulate Diligently

Once education standards have been met we focus on the regulation of the professional members via annual audits, ongoing education with 6 month refresher programs and annual CPD.

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A girl is laughing
Why This Is Important

Why This Is Important

Legitimate registration with a relevant scope of practice that enables professionals to practice while being covered by insurance ensures that both the registered professionals and their clients are covered in the event of a worst-case scenario.

While the standards the body sets out ensure these scenarios are reducing significantly. If you are a fitness professional, exercise or sports scientist, exercise physiologist, clinical nutritionist, clinical dietician or a non-accredited sports nutritionist, you actually don’t have the registration or access to insurance that covers your practice.
Sports Nutritionist

As a personal trainer or exercise physiologist, many short course providers will only cover you for 'advice' which is not prescriptive and sets you up for legal risks.

For clinical nutritionists and dietitians who are not dually registered as a sports dietitian, your registration and cover is only for medical nutrition interventions.

Sports performance, body composition manipulation are typically not included and for good reason — exercise physiology, exercise biochemistry, adaptive thermogenesis and energy availability is not required to complete these programs.
Enquire about becoming a member

Our Advisory Board

Dr. Joe Klemczewski

Dr. Joe Klemczewski

Danny Lennon

Danny Lennon


Alex Thomas

Alex Thomas

President /Founder

Dr. Eric Trexler

Dr. Eric Trexler

Matthew White

Matt White


Dr. Shawn Arent

Dr. Shawn Arent

Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro

Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro

Laurin Conlin

Laurin Conlin


Dr. Cliff Harvey

Dr. Cliff Harvey

Dr. Eric Helms

Dr. Eric Helms