Register to Become an Accredited Sports Nutritionist Today

Based on member data, on average our students make $135,000 a year full-time and $56,000 a year part time.
Increase Your Income And Coach Clients From Anywhere In The World By Becoming An Accredited & Fully Insured Sports Nutritionist
In order to register as an accredited sports nutritionist, the following subjects/units must be completed at either a university level or via the association certificate pathway by either studying with the association directly or one of its recognised and affiliated private education providers.
12-13 Core-Subjects of competence for Registration:
Nutrition 1 provides the student with some basic nutrition information around Macro and Micronutrients, food tracking methods and the feasibility of food planning options. This module also includes how to assess, coach and develop nutritional literacy with clients. We also provide information around how to read nutrition labels and the basics of hydration.
Nutrition 2 outlines the nutritional programming models used and principles and models for weight management and body composition changes. Learn how to make a meal plan, utilise diet breaks and re feeds with an evidence based approach. Considerations are made around intentional eating, carbohydrate utilisation, diet flexibility and mental health considerations of diet culture.
Nutrition Physiology explores the areas of digestive physiology and metabolism of nutrients, as well as nutrition and gut health. This module will also look at female specific nutrition periodisation, health biomarkers and Nutrition to help with immunity
Exercise Physiology covers thermodynamics and components of TDEE, the basics of bioenergetics including fuel sources and energy systems, methods of body composition assessment and when they appropriate to implement and applying these bioenergetic principles to exercise in different contexts of fed vs fasted states
Applied Exercise Physiology provides a practical component to assess the BioEnergetics principles and repetitions in reserve method of RPE. In this module, the student will also learn about how the endocrine system (our hormones) functions & how it interacts within our nutritional and exercise environment, and how to account for the impact of exercise on daily energy expenditure.
The Biochemistry unit covers the concepts of biochemistry, from: the structure of a cell, the function of cellular metabolism and how is dynamically interacts with exercise and nutrition metabolism.
This unit covers Nutritional Health Risk Assessment & Screening, the importance of using, understanding of the scope of practice as a sports nutritionist, and how to refer to allied health specialists. It also delves into why clients with PCOS or Endometriosis are out of scope and require further clinical training, and explore considerations around claims of poor gut health vs actual contraindicated diagnosed gut health pathologies
In this unit, we look at both performance and general health supplements and other ergogenic aids, and explore well ranking position statements around these from well ranking journals. This module will also look at Energy Availability and the symptoms associated with RED-S
The research unit covers the hierarchy of evidence, how to apply critical thinking to evidence, an understanding of the limitations of nutrition science and the implications this may have when communicated on social media. This module will cover how to interpret and apply scientific research into practice as a Sports Nutritionist
Applied Body Composition covers sustainable coaching application, an understanding of obesity and why weight loss may stall for some clients. This unit focuses on ensuring that the student can effectively apply an evidence informed manner with nutritional program for; weight management, weight loss, weight gain, and long term body recomposition case study scenarios.
The Applied Performance Nutrition Unit covers principles and models for performance nutrition methods, considerations which may be made for strength and physique clients, considerations for weight making and post season nutrition strategies, considerations & models for team sport athletes, and considerations for strength, endurance and CrossFit athletes. This unit covers the application of these concepts, ensuring a sound foundational competence in applying the theory.
This unit covers the Sports Nutrition Service provision model. Where to start, depending on career goals, and what phase of service provision experience they are in. Learn about financial and taxation literacy, fundamental Sports Nutrition business and service provision operations. We also cover transitioning from face to face with the sports nutrition model, provide real world lessons around social media and how to use motivational interviewing to ensure every Sports Nutritionist is able to deliver sound services, and effectively coach clients to successful outcomes.
This unit covers the elements of effective coaching behaviour and understanding client actions from a motivation perspective. Specific tools and frameworks such as COM-B, SDT, ACT, and Motivational Interviewing are covered to help you improve your coaching techniques and provide the best service to your clients.
Benefits of Registration:
- Eligible for the Sports Nutrition insurance product from Gallagher (in relevant regions)
- Public listing on the Sports Nutritionist registry + features in our ongoing promotion
- Monthly free attendance to monthly subject matter expert panels, and Q&A sessions
- Free attendance to 2 x digital conference events/year with multiple presenters (and free access for limited time to the recordings) $197/event value
- Free access to an NCGM membership ($99USD / yr)
- Twice yearly course update access including yearly continuing professional development (CPD) ($2995USD)
- Discounts on Eric Helms Muscle and Strength Pyramids (42% off)
- Member prices on association events, seminars, functions and conferences (50% off)
- Resources for TDEE calculation, EA calculation and Health Risk Assessment (Free)
- Access to the MHS Platform to use an automated and professional system with your clients for health risk assessment and/or check-ins and body composition tracking
Why registration matters:
- Education
- Experience
- Professional conduct
- Public & so they can trust in you as a professional in holding and maintaining these standards
- Insurers & underwriters to cover you

Please note that registration and insurance periods are always assessed and renewed on an annual basis
We understand that some people who de-register intend on returning to practice in the industry at some stage. As a result we have a reinstatement pathway available to all former members.
For members who have previously deregistered, you are able to apply and go through a reinstatement process.
Reinstatement fees start from A$899 and end at full re-enrolment of the certificate, and are assessed on a case by case basis.
The reinstatement process assesses the period of time the former member was unregistered, and what they have been doing academically & professionally since their registration.
Please complete your details in the form below to apply for your professional registration as an Accredited Sports Nutritionist
If you are no longer practicing as an Accredited Sports Nutritionist (personalised & prescriptive nutrition services, calories, nutrition coaching, macros etc.) then you simply need to go through the de-registration process via your member account on the website and follow the steps.
The last thing we want is for people who are not actually practising to be maintaining registration.
However, not everyone looking at de-registration is doing so from this position. As you are aware being the only professional body actually endorsing professional practice in this space, we have a duty of care to both the members of the public and our future members to ensure that anyone currently or previously affiliated is conducting themselves in a transparent manner with best practices.
And as such it is our responsibility to ensure in the regions in which we hold vicarious responsibility (almost all regions) that everyone de- registering does so in accordance with our terms and conditions, meaning that they cease all practise in this space unless they are otherwise legitimately duly registered and qualified to practice. E.g. a dual registered Sports Dietitian who remains a Sports Dietitian. Otherwise if this is not the case and you are maintaining your practices while not holding any relevant registration & insurance, nor are you making the public and your clientele aware, it is our responsibility to share this information with the relevant regions government commission or ombudsman where they may choose to act or investigate you at their own discretion.
We do this for one, it’s required in almost every region, but primarily because we care about the public and want the best for them and for our future members reputations (in the event where a former member who is unregistered and uninsured is practicing without that transparency and something arises where they refer to their former education and former registration to validate their actions)
De-registration will be processed at the end of your 12-month registration period. So for those on a monthly option when the 12-month period of your monthly registration is complete it is then processed. De-registration will impact your ongoing insurance exposure and costs moving forward. Non member related insurance costs significantly increase and your protection significantly reduces as well , so it is important to keep this in mind. Reinstatement fees apply after de-registration as well.
The short answer is no.
Sports Nutritionist (processing), and Accredited Sports Nutritionist are protected terms that in a professional setting carry with them defined liability and responsibility for best practise and duty of care.